Artificial Limbs

Artificial Limbs

Artificial Limbs

Upper Extrimity

  • Partial Hand Amputation: There are different levels of amputation in a hand.
  • Mostly cosmetic prosthesis solutions are available for these levels of amputations.
  • Wrist Amputation: This level includes the removal of hand from wrist level.
  • A cosmetic, cable operated and a myo-electric prosthesis can be provided to an amputee of this level.
  • Below Elbow Amputation: This amputation includes removal of arm below the elbow where Radius and Ulna are cut.
  • A cosmetic, cable operated and a myo-electric prosthesis can be provided to an amputee of this level.
  • Elbow Disarticulation (Through Elbow): This is an amputation through the elbow where arm is removed from elbow joint but the upper part of arm remains intact.
  • A Cosmetic and myo-electric prostheses are more appropriate for this level of amputation.
  • Above Elbow Amputation: This level includes the cut of humours bone.
  • A cosmetic, cable operated and a myo-electric prosthesis can be provided for this level of amputation.
  • Shoulder Disarticulation  Amputation: This level includes the removal of upper arm bone(humours) from the shoulder girdle.
  • A cosmetic or myo-electric prosthesis is more appropriate for this level of amputation. 

Lower Extrimity

  • Partial Foot Amputation: There are different levels of amputations in a foot. Different prosthetic solutions are available for these amputation levels.
  • Below Knee Amputation: This level includes removal of lower leg below the knee where Tibia & Fibula are cut.
  • A below knee prosthesis includes a socket, a prosthetic foot, adaptors and a cosmetic cover.
  • There are different types of sockets and feet are available as per the requirement of each individual person.
  • Knee Disarticulation (Through Knee): This is an amputation through the knee where lower leg is removed but the thigh remains intact.
  • A Through knee prosthesis includes a socket, a prosthetic foot & knee, adaptors and a cosmetic cover.
  • There are different types of sockets and prosthetic feet & knees are available as per the requirement of each individual person.
  • Above Knee Amputation: This level includes the cut of thigh bone.
  • An above knee prosthesis includes a socket, a prosthetic knee & foot, adaptors and a cosmetic cover.
  • There are different types of sockets, prosthetic knee & feet are available which are selected as per te requirement and condition of each individual person.
  • Hip Disarticulation Amputation: In this type of amputation, the thigh bone is removed completely from the pelvis.
  • Prosthesis for this level includes a socket, a prosthetic hip joint, knee joint & a foot along with different adaptors and a cosmetic cover. There are different types of prosthetic hip, knee and feet are available as per the requirement of an individual.
  • Hemipelvectomy: In this amputation, the entire leg along with part of pelvis is removed.
  • Prosthesis for this level includes a socket, a prosthetic hip joint, knee joint & a foot along with different adaptors and a cosmetic cover.
  • There are different types of prosthetic hip, knee and feet are available as per the requirement of an individua